Understanding and various protocol
A protocol is a set of rules or standards or allow a relationship, communication, and data transfer between two or more computer points. The protocol can be implemented in hardware, software or a combination of both. At the lowest level, a protocol defines the hardware connection. Protocol used to determine the type of services to be performed on the Internet.
• HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used to transfer documents on the World Wide Web (WWW). This protocol is a lightweight protocol, not a generic status and can be used many different types of documents.
• Gopher is an application that can search for existing ordinance on the Internet, but only the "base text" only, or by teks.Untuk receive notice via Gopher, we have to connect ourselves with the Gopher servers on the Internet. Gopher is a protocol that has been a long time and is starting on the left because sesedeharna not use HTTP.
• FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an Internet protocol that runs on the application layer which is the standard for transferring files (files) between the computer machines in an internetwork. FTP is one of the earliest Internet protocols developed, and is still used today to perform the download (download) and penggugahan (upload) files between your computer and the FTP client FTP server. In general, the latest version browsers already support FTP.
• Mailto, mailto protocol used to send mail through the Internet. The protocol format is: mailto: nama_email @ hostname example: mailto: eko@yahoo.com
• TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) is a standard data communication that is used by the Internet community in the process of exchanging data from one computer to another computer on the network Internet.
Communication Protocols
In the TCP / IP protocol, there are several sub that handles the communication between computers. TCP / IP merngimplemenasikan layered architecture consisting of four layers, which are:
1. Application layer protocols: responsible for providing access to applications to services TCP / IP network. This protocol includes the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), Domain Name System (DNS), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Telnet, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) , and many other protocols. In some protocol stack implementations, such as Microsoft TCP / IP application layer protocols interact with the interface using Windows Sockets (Winsock) or NetBIOS over TCP / IP (NetBT).
2. Inter-layer protocol host: useful for making communications connections using session connection-oriented or connectionless broadcast nature. The protocols in this layer is the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
3. Internetwork layer protocol: responsible for mapping (routing) and the encapsulation of network data packets into IP packets. The protocol works in this layer is the Internet Protocol (IP), Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), and Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP).
4. Protocol network interface layer: responsible for putting the network frames on the media network used. TCP / IP can work with many transport technologies, ranging from transport technologies in the LAN (such as Ethernet and Token Ring), MAN and WAN (such as dial-up modems that run on the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)).
In order applies intrenet network should have no rules that govern standard because it required an internet protocol.
History of TCP / IP
Internet Protocol was first developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1970 as the beginning of an effort to develop protocols to interconnect separate computer networks, each network uses a different technology. The main protocol of the project is the Internet Protocol (IP). The same research also developed some of the high level protocol that is designed to work with IP. The most important of these projects is the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), and all protocol groups replaced with TCP / IP suite. First TCP / IP implemented in the ARPANET, and began to develop after the University of California at Berkeley started using TCP / IP with the UNIX operating system. In addition to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) that develops Internet Protocol, which also developed the TCP / IP is the Department of defense (DOD).
The terms in the Internet Protocol
There are several terms that are often found in the discussion of TCP / IP, which include:
Host or end-system, A subscriber on network communications services. Hosts usually individual workstations or personal computers (PCs) in which the task of the host is usually a running application and server software program that serves as a user and implementer of communication network services.
Internet, which is a set of network (network of networks) are thorough and use TCP / IP to connect as virtual networks.
Node, is the term applied to the router and host.protocol, which is a standard procedure or rules for defining and setting the data transmission between computers.
Router, are devices whose use as a link between two or more networks. Different from the host router because the router is usually not a goal or data traffic. Routing of IP datagram has usually been done with software. So the routing function can be performed by a host who has two or more networks connection.
Overview of TCP / IP
As noted above, the TCP / IP was developed by the Department of Defense (DOD). DOD has conducted a research project to connect networks designed by different vendors to be a networks of networks (Internet). At the beginning it is successful because it provides basic services such as file transfer, electronic mail, remote logon. Several computers in a department can use TCP / IP (along with other protocols) in a single LAN. The IP component provides routing from the department to the enterprise network, then to regional networks, and finally to the global Internet. It can make the network communication can be broken, so to fix it then DOD designed TCP / IP to automatically repair if any node or phone line failure. The results of this design makes it possible to build very large networks with little central setting. Due to the problems in the auto repair network is not checked and is not repaired for a long time.
As with other communication protocols, the TCP / IP also has several layers, the layers are:
IP (internet protocol) that play a role in the transmission of data packets from node to node. IP precedes each data packet by 4 bytes (for version IPv4) destination address (the IP number). Internet authorities created a range of numbers to different organizations. Organization created by the group number for the department. IP works on gateway machines that move data from department to organization to region and then later to the rest of the world.
TCP (transmission transfer protocol) play a role in improving delivery of correct data from the client to the server. Data can be lost in the middle of the network. TCP can detect errors or lost data and then conduct retransmissions until the data is correctly and completely.
Sockets is a name given to the package of subroutines that provide access to TCP / IP on most systems.
Bebrapa important things in the TCP / IP
1. Low Requesting Network (Network of Lowest bidders)
IP was developed to create a network of networks (the Internet). Individual machine connected to a LAN (Ethernet or Token Ring). TCP / IP LAN share with other users (Novell file server, windows, etc.). One devais provides a TCP / IP connection between the LAN to the outside world.
To ensure that all types of systems from different vendors can communicate, then the use of TCP / IP on the LAN standardized. With increasing speed mikroprossesor, fiber optics, and digital phone line that has created several new technology options that include ISDN, frame relay, FDDI, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM).
Original design of TCP / IP is as a network of networks that match the use of technology today. TCP / IP data can be transmitted over a LAN, or can be brought to an internal corporate SNA network, or data can be connected to cable TV. Furthermore, the machines are connected on one network can communicate with other networks through gateways provided by the network vendor.
2. Addressing Problems
In an SNA network, every machine has Logical Units with their respective network addresses. DECNET, Appletalk, and Novell IPX has a plan to make the numbers for each local network and for each workstation connected to the network.
In the main part of the local network addressing, TCP / IP makes a unique number for each workstation in the world. IP Number is the value of 4 bytes (IPv4) to the convention to change each byte to a decimal number (0 to 255 for an IP that is used now) and separates each bytes with a period. For instance
An organization started by sending electronic mail to ask for the creation Hostmaster@INTERNIC.NET network number. It is possible for almost anyone to get the number for a network of "small class C" with the first three bytes and the last byte network meyatakan claimed individual computer. Larger organizations can obtain the network "Class B" with the first two bytes and the network states declared states last 2 bytes each workstation to reach 64,000 individual workstations. Examples Yale Class B Network is 130 132, so all computers with IP address 130 132. *. * Is connected through Yale.
Then the organization related to the intenet via one of several regional networks or dedicated network. network vendors are numbered customer networks and added to the routing configuration on each machine.
There is no mathematical formula that turns numbers 192.35.91 or 130 132 to "Yale University" or "New Haven". The machines are set up networks of large regional or central Internet routers can determine the location of these networks by looking each network number in the table. It is estimated there are thousands of networks and millions of class B class C network Customers who connect to the Internet, even large companies like IBM do not need to maintain information on a network-jatingan others. They send all external data to their regional carrier customers, and the regional carrier to observe and maintain routing tables and do the right.
3. Subnets
Although individual customers do not need table numbers or provide explicit routing network, but for most of the class B network can be set internally so a smaller version and a simpler network organization. Usually divides two bytes of internal assignment into one byte and one byte department number Workstation ID.
Enterprise networks are built using TCP / IP router box commercial. each router has a table with 255 entries to change one byte department number to be preferred destination ethernet connected to a router. For example, a message to over a regional network of National and New England by part number 130 132. Arriving at Yale, 59 department ID choose an ethernet connector. 234 choosing a particular workstation on the LAN. Yale network must be updated as new ethernet and the department added, but is not affected by changes from outside the department or displacement engines.
4. Indeterminate lines
Every time a message arrives at an IP router, the router will make a decision as to where the next message will be sent. There is the concept of a time with preselected path for all the traffic. Suppose a company with facilities in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Atlanta. Networks can be made from four telephone lines to form a loop (NY to Chicago to LA to Atlanta to NY). A message arrives at the router NY to go to LA via Chicago or through Atlanta. answers can be returned to the other.
How does a router to make a decision between a router with a router? there is no correct answer. Traffic can be mapped to the algorithm "clockwise" (go to NY to Atlanta, LA to chicago). Router can determine, send a message to Atlanta and then onward to Chicago. Routing better is to measure traffic patterns and sends data through the least busy link.
If one phone line in a tissue is damaged, messages can still achieve its goal through the other paths. After losing track of NY to Chicago, the data can be sent from NY to Atlanta to LA to Chicago. That way, the path will continue despite the loss of performance decline.
Improvements like these are additional sections on design IP.
5. Issues Not Inspected (undiagnosed Problem)
If no error occurs, the network reported to the authorities. The error to be corrected or repaired. IP, is designed to be resistant and strong. Loss of nodes or paths are common, but the network must continue. So IP automatically re-configure themselves when something goes wrong. If a lot of redundancy built into the system so komuniksi persists and awake. TCP is designed to recover a failed node or channel in which the propagation of routing table changes for all router nodes. Since the updating process takes a long time, TCP is rather slow to initiate recovery.
6. Regarding IP Number
Every large company or university that is connected to the Internet must have an intermediate level network. some routers may be configured to connect to the LAN bebarapa department. All traffic outside the organization associated with a single connection to a regional provider network.
Thus, the end user can install TCP / IP on the PC without having to know the regional network. Three pieces of information are needed:
IP address created on PC
The part of the IP address (subnet mask) that distinguishes other machines in the same LAN (messages can be sent directly) with the machines in other departments atao anywhere in the world (which is sent to the router machine)
IP address of the router machine that connects the LAN to the outside world.
7. The composition of the TCP / IP protocol
Internet was originally designed with two main criteria. Two criteria influencing and shaping the hardware and software used today. The criteria are: The network must perform communication among researchers in different parts of the world, allowing the They can share and communicate about their research with one another. Unfortunately, the research needs of the diverse range of computer platforms and different network architectures for scientific purposes. It became necessary protocol suite to be associated with a variety of different hardware platforms and even different network systems. Furthermore, the network must be a strong communication network that has the ability to withstand a nuclear attack. This design memebawa towards decentralized network that consists of a network of separate, smaller, isolated network that has the ability to automatically when needed.
Layer provides abstrsaksi level and increase the ability for software reuse and platform independence. Layers were intended to completely separate from each other and also independent. Layer does not rely on detailed information from other layers. Architectural design makes it easier to do maintenance because the layer can be redesigned or developed without destroying the integrity of the protocol stack.
TCP / IP protocol suite consists of four layers: Application, Transport, Internetwork, and network interfaces. Layer can be seen as a hierarchy like this:
Application Layer is an application that sends data to the transport layer. For example, FTP, email programs and web browsers.
Transport layer is responsible for communication between applications. Layer is set brook information and may provide error checking. The data is divided into packets that are sent to the Internet layer with a header. The header contains the destination address, source address, and checksum. Checksum checked by the receiving machine to see if the package is lost on route.
Internetwork layer is responsible for communication between machines. This layer-engcapsul meg of transport layer packets into IP datagrams and routing algorithm to determine where datagaram should be sent. The entry datagram is processed and inspected prior kesahannya through the Transport layer.
Layer interface networks is the bottom level of the arrangement of TCP / IP. This layer is a device driver that enables IP datagaram sent to or from the physical network. Dapaat form a network cable, Ethernet, frame relay, Token Ring, ISDN, ATM networks, radio, satellite or other device that can transfer data from system to system. Network interface is an abstraction layer that facilitates communication between the multitude of network architectures.
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